Thanks for voting everyone. I’ll go over the votes quick here, because I have other info for you as well. Without further ado:
A) The valleys of the mountains – 1 Vote
B) Along the ridges of the mountains – 2 Votes
So, looks like we’re going up and over next time. What, or who, will they find up there? Guess we’ll have to wait to find out.
I’m planning on getting Part 12 up by Wednesday, Oct 31 at the latest. I’m going to let voting go through November while NaNoWriMo is going on. Which brings me to my first link.
At my main blog, I posted a bit about NaNoWriMo and what’s going on. If you want to keep up with me, keep a watch over there through November.
And, while you wait, if you have enjoyed my story, I’ll encourage you to go take a look at another one. Amber West’s Tell Me a Story is a bit different, because we the reader give ideas as to what happens. No A) and B) here. She is far along in the story (up to part 27), but it’s worth catching up. Go read, you won’t regret it.