First off, I need to apologize. This entry took a lot longer than I anticipated. Some writer’s block and rewrites really didn’t help.
Next, as I look at the calendar, I’m thinking I can get one more entry in before November and NaNoWriMo. I’m going to do my best to meet that deadline. So, voting will be until Friday, October 18, 2013.
Speaking of November, I will be taking that month off again. I will probably leave the next entry up for the month, and continue in December.
So, onto the next installment! And if you need to catch up? Take a look at Vote Your Adventure link up top.
Update: I added some clarification as to what you are voting on.
Bardulf looked at the two weapons for a bit. A plan began to form in his mind. “Burnum, what do your warriors wear for battle?”
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