Where’s Brian?

So, where’s the blogger? I’m still here. I’ve been busy at home, working on things around the house, so my writing and reading times have been limited.

I put The Way of Kings down for a bit while I was working on my house. I’m about half way done, and will pick it up again. I’ve been enjoying it. I have been reading through some other books, and gamebooks as well. (What are gamebooks? Well, I will talk about those in another post, later.) Most of my reading is relating to writing at the moment, with some books about plot and characters. Good books that I’ll have to review later.

I’m also trying to figure out what to do with the blog, in the way of information. Should I share info about the story? Some of the things I want to do with it? Post some small character concepts? All that is brewing around in my head as well.

As I said in one of the last entries, I’ve got some things waiting to get finished as well. So, to quote Monty Python: “I’m not dead yet!”

Authors Acting Badly

A review of a book came across the Twitter-sphere today. That in itself isn’t remarkable. What is remarkable is the response of the author of the book.

The short version is that the reviewer said he liked the story, but that it had grammatical errors. The author took this the wrong way, and ended up giving the reviewer a piece of her mind. She claimed that he had the wrong version (it appears he didn’t) and more. When it came down to it, though, she insulted the reviewer and the other commenters. She demanded that the review be taken down, as well as told commenters to… well… “Go Away” in not so nice terms.

I feel sorry for this lady. In one day, she has managed to destroy her reputation. This whole fiasco went viral on Twitter. She won’t have much luck in the future. And in truth, the real troll in the whole thread of comments was her. There were some others (as you will get when something like this happens), but the majority were people telling her to be quiet for her own good. She should have listened to the criticisms. They are given for a reason. As the reviewer said, the story was good. It was the grammar that made it hard to read.

So, to my family and friends, please destroy my pens, paper, computers and whatever else if I ever do that. It is not professional, nor useful in the long run.

Still Here

Wow, over a week later, and I haven’t posted anything. Not what I wanted.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been trying or working on things. I have 2 or 3 posts in the pipe, with more ideas. Sometimes, it’s just hard to get to this as well as do the reading and writing I want to do.

Hopefully I can have a preliminary Harry Potter post up later tonight, or tomorrow. I might be able to get the first chapter thoughts up as well, we’ll see. The only thing that will hold me back is a writer’s group tonight. It wouldn’t surprise me if I run out of time.


Welcome to the Hero’s Tale blog! Right now, things are a bit sparse, as I’m only going to be blogging for now. Once the story starts getting posted, I’m hoping there will be more, like some forums for discussion. Maybe more, not completely sure yet. The theme will probably change at some point. I haven’t found one I like.

As for right now. I am going to be reading through a few books and taking notes on them as I go, seeing what I like as a reader, and what I don’t. I’ll be blogging about that as I go along. First up will be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, I think. Hopefully I’ll have the first one up later this week.