ROW80 3/18 Check-in

Is anyone else enjoying the weather? Where I live, it’s great! I got my bike out yesterday and went for a nice long ride.

As for writing, I finished the next part of my VYA and have done one revision. I’m seeing in my email that I have a lot of comments, so tonight I’m will be doing a lot of work on that again.

I don’t think the fog has lifted quite yet. I struggled to write what I have. But I made it though, and that’s the important part. That fog will lift sometime. It just takes perseverance.


5 thoughts on “ROW80 3/18 Check-in

  1. Today is the first official day of spring! And it’s raining cats and dogs where I live (near Houston). Oh well.

    Great job knocking out the writing & editing! Keep plugging away. Best wishes!

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